New York

Sep 5, 2018

Sumbangan derma/wakaf/zakat Pusat Sekolah Tahfiz di Kelantan

assalamualaikum wbt ustaz Mahadi 0199351573 Maahad Tahfizul quran AL ikhlas kampong wakaf Zin Tawang Bachok Kelantan.ustaz mohon sumbangan untuk tahfiz dan zakat fisabilillah . apa apa sumbangan bank in terus ke account Maahad Tahfiz Maybank dan RHB bank dan bank Islam.... insyaallah assalamualaikum wbt dapat tak whatsapp ustaz..... insyaallah assalamualaikum wbt tolong simpan nombor telefon ustaz dalam telefon 0199351573 ustaz Mahadi..... insyaallah assalamualaikum dalam risalah tahfiz tu ada nama ustaz Mahadi 0199351573 duk bawah sebelah kanan..... insyaallah

Sumbangan Derma Pembinaan Bangunan Pusat/Sekolah Tahfiz di Kelantan

assalamualaikum wbt ustaz Mahadi 0199351573 Maahad Tahfizul quran AL ikhlas kampong wakaf Zin Tawang Bachok Kelantan.ustaz mohon sumbangan untuk tahfiz dan zakat fisabilillah . apa apa sumbangan bank in terus ke account Maahad Tahfiz Maybank dan RHB bank dan bank Islam.... insyaallah assalamualaikum wbt kalau ada nak buat sembahyang hajat atau tahlil arwah di Maahad Tahfiz sms ustaz atau whatsapp ustaz.ustaz buat dengan anak anak tahfiz....tak kena bayar apa apa ustaz buat lillahitaala kalau nak tolong tolong derma pembinaan bangunan Maahad Tahfiz.....0199351573 ustaz Mahadi..... insyaallah assalamualaikum wbt bila bank in insyaallah sms ustaz......0199351573 ustaz Mahadi..... insyaallah assalamualaikum wbt ustaz Mahadi 0199351573 Maahad Tahfizul quran AL ikhlas kampong wakaf Zin Tawang Bachok Kelantan.ustaz dapat nombor telefon dalam group .Belajar B.Arab di mekkah.ustaz pun ada juga dalam group tu dulu sekarang dah keluar group tu lama dah...... insyaallah assalamualaikum dalam risalah tahfiz tu ada nama ustaz Mahadi 0199351573 duk bawah sebelah kanan..... insyaallah

Aug 30, 2018

Jom pergi tunaikan ibadah Umrah dan Haji tahun hadapan.Nak tak?

Call sekarang 014-2357923 @ Muhammad Ashraf PELAN PAKEJ SIMPANAN HAJI & UMRAH ============================== . Setiap Muslimin dan Muslimah pasti ingin menunaikan ibadah Umrah dan Haji sekurang-kurangnya sekali seumur hidup. . Sedang anda membuat persiapan untuk perjalanan ibadah anda, pastikan persediaan kewangan juga dipelankan. . Dengan A-Plus Hajj, kami memberi perlindungan tambahan semasa ibadah Haji atau Umrah anda. Faedah “Booster Nilai” juga membantu menambah simpanan anda dengan bayaran tunai sekali setiap 3 tahun. . ๐Ÿ…พ Adakah anda telah mendaftar dengan Tabung Haji? ๐Ÿ…พ Adakah anda mempunyai perlindungan takaful? ๐Ÿ…พ Adakah anda mempunyai perlindungan Takaful semasa mengerjakan haji? ๐Ÿ…พ Adakah anda mempunyai simpanan yg cukup untuk perjalanan haji anda? . Kami boleh merancang dan memberi cadangan untuk kewangan anda dengan dana yg mengikut shariah & tunaikan hasrat anda untuk pergi Haji @ Umrah ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€ . KENAPA PELAN INI BERMANFAAT? . ⏺ Extra ๐Ÿ’ฏ% utk faedah kematian semasa mengerjakan haji @ umrah ⏺ Extra ๐Ÿ’ฏ% utk faedah kematian disebakan virus MERS semasa mengerjakan @ pulang dari mengerjakan haji@umrah ⏺ Extra ๐Ÿ’ฏ% utk faedah kematian disebabkan kemalangan ⏺ Extra 200% utk faedah kematian disebabkan kemalangan di dlm pengangkutan awam ⏺ Extra 20% utk faedah kematian Pasangan semasa menjalankan Haji atau Umrah bersama-sama ⏺ Badal haji RM 5000 ⏺ Extra 2% nilai booster setiap 3 tahun sijil dari faedah kematian DAN boleh di masukkan ke dlm AKAUN TABUNG HAJI ๐Ÿ’กUntuk Sesi Penerangan Ringkas boleh WhatsApp ๐Ÿ“ฒ Call ๐Ÿ“ž 014-2357923

Aug 26, 2018


Dengan kos perubatan yang makin meningkat.. Kenapa tak biarkan syarikat insurans yang bayarkan bill hospital kita? PALING PENTING.. Anda tak perlu keluar duit anda beribu-ribu ringgit bila anda sakit.. Semuanya biarkan AIA PUBLIC TAKAFUL yang TANGGUNG 100%!.. =================================== AIA PUBLIC TAKAFUL - FAMILY MEDICAL CARD =================================== ✓ VIP Medical Card - Istimema. 1 Polisi untuk seluruh keluarga ✓ Perlindungan sehingga 1.5JUTA setahun ✓ Tiada ko takaful - Full Coverage ✓ Tiada had limit seumur hidup ✓ Tiada perkongsian - Perlindungan tahunan tidak berkongsi ✓ 'JUST SWIPE' - tidak perlu beratur untuk kemasukan wad ✓ Customer service 24 jam (call centre) ✓ Lebih 90 panel hospital swasta seluruh Malaysia ✓ Guaranty renewal ✓ Perlindungan sehingga 100 tahun ✓ Aplikasi 'aia locator' di telefon bimbit. ================================= PELAN FLEKSIBEL ( PERSONAL / KELUARGA) ================================= ๐Ÿ’ž Pakej Individu - serendah RM66/Sebulan ๐Ÿ’ž Pakej Suami & Isteri - serendah RM135/Sebulan ๐Ÿ’ž Pakej Bapa & 4 org anak - serendah RM259/Sebulan ๐Ÿ’ž Pakej Ibu & 4 org anak - serendah RM262/Sebulan ๐Ÿ’ž Pakej Keluarga & 4 org anak - serendah RM340/Sebulan ✔harga bergantung kepada umur dan pekerjaan Anda..* Jangan bertangguh, kerana kita tak akan tahu bila musibah akan menimpa diri kita.. Kalau sudah sakit baru nak cari pertolongan, maaflah sebab dah agak terlambat.. Like, Comment, atau Share post ni kepada kenalan anda yang masih mencari-cari pelan yang terbaik.. Untuk maklumat lebih lajut, boleh terus hubungi saya, Muhd Ashraf Premier Life Planner AIA Public Takaful ๐Ÿ“ž 014-2357923 #aiapublictakaful #save money #medicalcard #sediakanpayungsebelumhujan

Apr 18, 2018


My name is Pat Kendrick, I am a retired economist, lead researcher and head of the Crypto Mining & Trading Division here at the Cryptocurrency Institute. If you’re sick of getting “standard” market returns of 10% or less a year, then you need to listen very carefully to what I’m about to reveal to you next. I’ve spent years working in this industry from both the academic side, such as theoretical research and analysis, to personally supervising cryptocurrency day trades in the real world, flipping ICOs, arbitrage and cryptocurrency mining. I understand more than almost anyone in the country – how the super-rich, the top 1% of the elite EXPLOIT loopholes in marketplace insecurities in order to obtain ungodly amounts of market returns of up to 10,000% ROI with almost no risk at all. Let me reveal to you a one of a kind, cryptocurrency profit “loophole”, that’s going to completely transform your net worth, your income statement and your financial position practically overnight... The best thing is, we have modified this “loophole” so it works for everyday folks without a lot of money to risk and with zero experience. In fact, here are the life changing results of our students, who are first-time investors. People like 66-year-old Joe D., a retired salesperson from Richmond, Virgina. Joe initially invested $7,000 using this method. “I use to worry about my retirement. Now I’m ready to take my entire family and grand kids on a yearlong world tour.” David Smithson, is a 61-year-old business owner from Austin, Texas. He says his portfolio has increased so much, his next capital gains tax from these trades will be more than his previous salary. “I feel like I now have the chance to recover the lost profits I missed out on in the 90s tech boom,” he said. Matthew G. had never invested before until 12 weeks ago. “I took my money out of the stock market because it wasn’t doing that well,” he said “my $35,000 has grown to more than six figures in that very short time.” Samantha H, was a single mom and newbie and never invested before when she signed up. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE !!!--->>> “My savings of $7,000 has went up to more than my yearly salary” she said. Now, these results may sound too good to be true. But this is the reality of the situation right now. Take a look at this chart. It appeared in Fortune Magazine just a few weeks ago.
As you can see, this new asset class grew from less than $10 billion to $150 billion the past 12 months… And it’s only going to get bigger and bigger! Now I must warn you to watch this video right now till the very end, because if you do not, and come back tomorrow I cannot guarantee that it will be available to you for free then. Did you know, if you bought $1000 of Google in 2004 at its initial public offering, then it would be worth $1,575,000 today? Or if you had invested $1000 worth of shares in Microsoft in 1985 it would be worth $7,974,720.00 by now? Now I could go on and on forever, but you get my point. It’s important to know what to put your money in and at what time. Because had you put in $1 in the right place just a few years ago, you just might be a multi-millionaire by now… But hindsight is always 20/20 and the tech boom of the 90s is now well and truly over… The good news is that this opportunity is here once again, and it’s currently something that is still in its infancy and it’s 100,000 times bigger than the tech boom of the 90s... Much, much bigger! I am not exaggerating. In fact, cryptocurrency represents the single biggest investment opportunity since the beginning of human civilization. The reason why it’s 100,000 times bigger than the tech boom is because it’s not just limited to American tech companies. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE !!! This time the boom is completely global and governments worldwide have officially begun recognizing and adapting to them too. Everything that made the tech boom so exciting for investors in the 90’s where old technologies were being replaced with the new… When entire markets and sectors were completely being revamped from the bottom up… Well it’s happening once again.

Apr 16, 2018

Children having Reading Problem?No Worries, sTART THIS NOW!! with PROVEN Testimonials !!

Super Effective Program Teaches Children Of All Ages To Read.
Click here to boost your childs reading method to 100% !! Testimonials after using this program from parents : Now at 2 years and 4 months, he can read an entire book by himself! He is reading at a 2nd grade level! At our church school, his teacher was amazed. - Diane C., Irvine, CA. My son was picked up for reading support services in first grade. We completed your program and his reading teacher said that his reading abilities exploded and he is on grade level! - Christine M. Jim's program takes the mystery out of teaching children how to read. My older child is in grade 1. The teacher said her reading and writing is beyond grade level. My 4 year old in preschool reads several books a day on her own. - Parminder S., Surrey, BC. I couldn't stop her! It's amazing to see her read and be so confident about it too! I was completely blown away. After a week from starting your program, she can actually spell 3-letter words on her own and not from memory! - Farah Lyn G., Dallas, TX. He brought home his report card this Friday and we were so excited that he went from an 81 to an 87 in Language Arts. - Shari H. I have taught in Catholic schools for over 20 years in grades Pre-K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades and used various Reading programs/series. My own child is 22. I wish I had known about your program 20 years ago! I am excited to see my little 3 year olds at school learning phonemic awareness so easily and in only a few minutes each day! - Paige S. Click here to boost your childs reading method to 100% !! My daughter is in grade 2, and it was brought to my attention by her teacher that her reading level was below grade level. After 2 months, my child is now reading at grade level, and she has started beginner novels and reads on her own! - M. G., Surrey, BC. We are so grateful and thankful that you came up with this kind of reading program. I avoided having my daughter being taught using sight words and whole language approach. - Lorelie F. Thanks to the program she is able to read out most of the books her level with minor guidance on some words that can't be sounded out. - Dwight K. Wow, She is Reading!!! Nowadays, she is so competent that she corrects me while I read to her. - Noriko I. After Kindergarten my son could not read at all! His teacher said he would never be able to keep up or catch up in 1st grade & wanted to hold him back... then we found your program... When he started 1st grade, he is reading and the teacher is ABSOLUTELY AMAZED and RAVES about his progress. You are a lifesaver! - Gia C. It is one year since we began your program, and I could not be happier and more impressed with my son's reading progress. He is now reading chapter books, around a late 2nd grade level. He tested at 3rd grade level in sight words. And, best of all, he LOVES LOVES LOVES to read. - Maya P. Makaela is in grade two. She was reading below grade level expectations. That disheartening report told me Makaela needed reading help - now! That's when I found your program. We have recently completed Lesson 18 in Stage Two. She just got her March Progress Report and it states: "Makaela is reading at a beginning grade 2 level. Last week, we were told she would no longer be receiving reading intervention. - Walter R. Edmonton, AB. Canada I first started her learning through the Hooked on Phonics program,but I slowly noticed that she could not decode new words. I had to find another way to help her. Using your method, she can now sound out a lot of new words that she has never seen before. She has become more and more confident in reading. - Desiree P.
Before we started she only knew the letter alphabet not the sounds. After 3 weeks she started reading already and we're very happy about it. She always loves books and now she loves it more. - Vanie. N I am a Early Childhood Special Needs Teacher and I have to say I have never seen anything like this. It's amazing! My daughter bought it and taught my granddaughter, M'kaela, to read at 3 years, she is now in kindergarten and will be 6 in January and she is at a 3rd grade reading level. - Tammy J. We started your program about a month before he started kindergarten, and I'm just amazed how fast he's learned to read in a short period of time. I wish I would have discovered your program a long time ago. - Martha B. The final result turned to be an absolutely great success! ...such a smart way to teach children reading, and the phonics you teach through your program is the most thorough and practical way - and it is easy and fun to learn! - Renee and Her Family My 6 year old's reading was not improving and he was trying every trick in the book to get out of doing his reading homework. Your program has turned things around. He has gone from a level 6 or 7 to a level 14 in his school reader homework. He is also reading junior chapter books by choice! I love it. - Leanne B., Australia My son who will be six in July is responding to the lessons with amazing results. Seeing him struggle with his homework is the reason why I chose to buy the full kit, and oh boy, money well spent. - Casta M. I teach 15 Native American children. The results have been amazing! According to the 1st grade teacher here, my students are much further along with their reading ability than any other class has been so far since she has been here. - Janeil S., Wind River Reservation, Wyoming My son could barely blend words and was reading below expectation before I came in contact with your program. I am most grateful for this destiny changing experience with this program with my 5 year old son. - Sam I have a 6 year old son who had some pretty significant delays due to liver disease. I never thought he would take off reading the way he has! He's doing so well with your program he will not have to repeat kindergarten. We are so pleased with your reading program! And super excited our son gets to go into first grade all because his reading skills are so good! He's a better reader than most of his friends his age who have never had delays or medical issues. - Stephanie P. Zavier loved doing your program and I found it very easy to teach. His reading has improved so so much! After just 2 weeks his teacher noticed a difference and was asking me what we were doing at home! Before he started your program he was on a level 10 and has now progressed to level 17!!!! - Amber & Marco, Australia Click here to boost your childs reading method to 100% !!


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